Interesting Queen of the Hill is on track.
Also note, word is Jimmy didn’t do seeding. He hired someone. The question now is did Corina weigh in with everyone else? Or did they weigh in before teams and coaches arrived.
Hiring someone to do seeding and being on track is a start.
Road to transparency Good job Jimmy
Thank you David Falcon and Dan Nelson. Did one of the referees comment in favor of Jimmy Bowers in a separate post? I wouldn't be surprised as it appears his special dedication to referees and wasteful time celebrating their achievements was a miscalculation and obvious show of improper relationships.
What funny about the statement wrestlers outside and fans inside is a year or two ago Jimmy was having a fit at the walnut tournament when it was requested him and his team got outside for fans to have seats in the bleachers.
Jimmy didn’t want his team outside in the heat. Not sure why he thinks his team is speacil when every other team had canopies and where out side.
I know this as I was there and walnut gym was packed to the point the tournament was going to stop like it did for Jimmy last year. Fortunately walnut staff handled the situation and keep thing moving.
Competitors not being allowed inside to watch sucks for sure but it's not uncommon either, it's been like that at several tournaments this year, it makes sense to save the bleachers for families and paid spectators. Ideally it would be great for everyone to watch but with such a large tournament I can understand. As far as them having to be outside in the cold once again this is to be expected, I don't know of any venues where they could put 700 wrestlers and hundreds of coaches inside and then still have room for a couple thousand spectators, they should have been prepared for that I know our team was. Not sure which intermissions you are talking about that took hours, if you are referring to the break before the finals that was planned and the finals started around 4 which was to be expected. Maybe there was something else I missed I don't know feel free to elaborate. There were several bathrooms around the campus that were open, I personally preferred the one nearest the parking lot because nobody was there, they definitely could have advertised that better though. You can't run a 64 man brackets tournament in 1 day due to the daily match limit. I would have preferred however for them to start earlier on day 1 so it would end earlier giving more time to rest/cut for day 2. Once again as far as weigh ins go I have no idea how that was run so I'll take your word for it that it was poor until I hear otherwise, that's unfortunate.
However all in all I would say this was significantly better than last year, and although I wasn't there the previous year at the ice rink I heard that was even worse.
Being on track is a huge improvement for the tournament and Jimmy. Track give somewhat validation to the scoring. It also helps speed the tournament process up as well as keeps people informed.
700 girls is definitely a big drop off. Surprised Jimmy spent the money for seeding and track.
I personal know a few people that where extremely disappointed from last years tournament. Other than the women calling the fire department on Jimmy I thought last year ran smooth after the adjustments where made. Did care for them but understood why it was needed.
The tournament was awful. The girls weren't allowed to watch matches and had to sit outside in freezing cold temperatures. There were several unneeded intermissions that took far too many hours. Once again Jimmy Bowers was caught lying and cheating at the weigh ins and of course his girls were not weighed in by anyone trustworthy. This tournament is a 1 day tournament if ran properly. The staff was absolutely awful and they numerous people were seen urinating outside because the bathrooms were not adequate. The main bathroom in the men's room was apparently operating with a single urinal and if true how pathetic. Weigh in's can't be trusted and neither can Jimmy Bowers or his staff.
I'm not sure how the weight ins went. But I will say the tournament was awesome, it was run super smoothly. Being on track was a huge improvement, everything started on time and finished at reasonable times for both days. I will say there were only something like 700 girls so a big drop off from last year, that might have contributed to the earlier finish times. A lot of the would be higher seeded girls didn't show up so while there was still a ton of top level competition it wasn't as much as expected. All in all it was a great weekend, I give them credit for doing a great job.