Coaches, Our outdoor scrimmage was a big success with around 200 wrestlers getting matches outside. Up next is our early season scrimmage: EARLY SEASON GIANT SCRIMMAGE - Indoor Scrimmage in the Gym - Saturday November 12 - 9am to 11am (mats open 8:30am)
$150 for your whole team: ALL LEVELS and BOYS and GIRLS
A great way to get 5-10 matches for all of your wrestlers in one morning. We will be done before noon! Scrimmage matches do not count toward the 40-match rule.
Centrally located in Orange County, right off the 5 freeway. The Marketplace is a block away and you can go for Chick-Fil-A, In-N-Out, or Handel's Ice Cream afterward.
We are well-organized with an auto-timer, music playing, and a safety talk beforehand.
We will have a minimum of 4 full mats down in the gym. We can go up to 6 full mats if needed depending on number of team sign ups!
As they say: "The best thing to see on a basketball floor, is wrestling mats door-to-door!"
See below for pictures!
Email: to sign your team up for one or both scrimmages.
Indoor scrimmage photo:

Picture from Takedowns on the Turf last summer:

Email: to sign your team up for one or both scrimmages.
Coach Ali Rawaf
Our outdoor scrimmage was a big success. Join us Nov 12 in the gym for our biggest scrimmage of the year.
Does the 150 cover both a boys and girls team?